Section ii pilots
Sections I and II were both a part of class 73-06, yet rarely saw each other. One section flew in the morning and had academics in the afternoon. The other section did the opposite. The morning/afternoon routine was swapped at intervals. If you see this word beside a pilot that says...
NORDO! means NO RADIO, which means, in pilot-speak, he has lost communications. Our NORDO guys need to be found. Please contact the site manager if you can help find any of them.

Larry's post-Vance assignment was to the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs to teach in T-41s. He had a long and distinguished USAF career and retired with the rank of colonel.

Doug came to Vance as an Air Force reservist, thus he had his assignment in his pocket when he came through the gate. He would got to Norton AFB, CA to fly C-141s.

Dave's assignment after Vance was KC-135s to Plattsburg AFB, NY

Bob's initial assignment was to return to Vance to instruct in T-37s. He found the website in 2019 and reported he is alive and well.

Jamal returned to Iran to fly F-4s in the Iranian air force. He was killed in the Iran/Iraq war. See "Memorial" page for a summary of his life and what happened.

Roger graduated number 1 in the class and chose his dream assignment, a C-141 to McChord AFB, WA.


Frank was another of those Reserve/Guard guys who had their assignment before they left home. His was as a homeland security specialist:
F-106s at Otis AFB, MA
Forty-four years after Frank wrote his yearbook bio, he has done exactly what he said: "I flew with the Mass ANG until 1975 then finished my undergraduate degree and started a career in engineering up to V-P, got masters in 2000 and Eng.D. in 2006 and was a professor until retirement in 2015. I'm now in my third life traveling and reading history and philosophy while I work supporting candidates." --Frank


Gary went to McConnell AFB, Wichita KN to fly KC-135s.


Mark became a T-38 instructor and remained at Vance for his first assignment.

Larry went to Homestead AFB, FL to fly the EC-121 Warning Star.

Rick was assigned to KC-135s at Loring AFB, Maine and later flew for Northwest Airlines. He is deceased due to a non-aviation cause.

Bob's initial assignment was to remain at Vance as a T-38 instructor pilot.

Kim's first assignment was to Shaw AFB, SC to train on the RF-4 photo-reconnaissance Phantom.


Bill went to KC-135s at Travis AFB,CA


Terry shipped out to a classified destination to fly EC-47s.

Ernie took a C-141 assignment to McGuire AFB, NJ


Jim's assignment after Vance was to Tyndall AFB, FL to train in the F-106 Delta Dart interceptor. After that we don't know where he went.

Loren went to Elmendorf AFB, Alaska to fly HC-130s.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
There is something profoundly wrong with the art work at the top of this narrative. It will probably never be known whether it was a mistake or intentional, but given the quirky nature of the "men with true grit," it's probably meant to be.